7 Elements of a successful blog

Firstly Read This  article For learn  "how to learn systematically from other bloggers" then read this article. The following list of elements of a blog is a result of my systematic learning.

7 Elements of a successful blog
7 Elements of a successful blog

Article / content

Once again, a whole new knowledge - Content is King! - Ok. Not really new. But nevertheless an important element of a successful blog. Good content are simply unavoidable in order to be successful with a blog. When striving for financial success, which must also blogging about a topic, where money is.

Community / communication

Behind every successful blog is a community. But this does not form by itself. You as a blogger have to encourage your readers to be a community. The most important are the comments on your blog. Download the reader for comment and communicate clearly that you are interested in discussions. This shows you the best so that you are answering each comment (if it makes sense).

Style / uniqueness

I'm talking about this subject yes Still love to. A successful blogger has to have a certain style. Something that makes him unmistakable. This can be achieved in various ways. This can be a unique design, the writing style or the way a subject is treated, read our Article on How to Design an Attractive Website.

I am sure that there are no truly successful blogger, which is not something particularly differs from the others. Be creative and find your style.



Engage a blogger must, of course, in many ways. For one, he must commit to this achieving success in your own blog. Commitment is required but also in the scene. Cooperation with other bloggers or groups requires much work. Those who are not engaged outside of his blog, it is difficult to have to be successful. Writing guest articles is a very good opportunity in this field.


The offer of a newsletter for blogging today should belong. The newsletter can be a strong support, both financially and in the community and is definitely an element of a successful blog. Of course, a newsletter is not suitable for any niche, but I'm still in another post on what niches are suitable at all for a "successful" blog.

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Goodies / ebook / Service

Almost no successful blogger relies exclusively on his blog article but creates more things to the reader through various channels to reach or to provide them with added value. Give your readers something, write an ebook or offer a service. All these things can be well attached to the newsletter. In my case, I offer a free service to the application.


No pain, no gain. This applies of course also apply to blogging. However, much work is still far from the desired success. A bit of luck is simply a must. There are so many blogs on the internet and the chance that you will succeed exactly, is actually relatively small. Often it takes about just a little luck.

Do you think there are other fundamental elements of a successful blog? If so, which?

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